Works of NAJVS members

Hundreds of books, research papers and articles were written by NAJVS members and published worldwide in several languages. Here is a sample of their publications in English in the United States:


  • Edwards, Arthur B. - “Collecting Jules Verne. Confessions of a Completist.” Firsts (Tucson, AZ), Vol. 6, No. 7-8, 26-39, July-August 1996.
  • Harpold, Terry - “Vernes Cartographies.” Science Fiction Studies 32.1 (2005): 1842.
  • Harpold, Terry - “Verne, Baudelaire et Poe La Jangada et Le Scarabe dor.” Revue Jules Verne 1920 (2005): 16268.
  • Harpold, Terry - “The Providential Grace of Vernes Le Testament dun excentrique.” IRIS 28 (2005): 15768.
  • Harpold, Terry - “Un Intertexte sophoclen du Voyage au centre de la terre.” Bulletin de la Socit Jules Verne (Nouvelle srie) 153 (2005): 3335.
  • Margot, Jean-Michel - “Jules Verne: the successful, wealthy playwright.” North American Jules Verne Society, Inc., Extraordinary Voyages (Newsletter of the NAJVS), Oct. 2005, Special issue, 10-16.
  • Miller, Walter James - The Rehabilitation of Jules Verne in America: From Boy’s Author to Adults Author 1960-2003. North America, Extraordinary Voyages (Newsletter of the NAJVS), Dec. 2003, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2-5.
  • Taves, Brian - “Reviews: THE MYSTERIOUS CASTLE IN THE CARPATHIANS.” Film Quarterly, 38 (Winter 1984 85), 48 50.
  • Taves, Brian - “‘Adventures of the Rat Family’: A Verne Expert Brings Fairy Tale to English Speaking Public.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin, 53 (January 10, 1994), 6 11. Reprinted in Pulpdom, No. 20, December 1999, pp. 14-15.
  • Taves, Brian - “Jules Verne et Walt Disney.” Translated into French by Philippe Burgaud. Bulletin de la Société Jules Verne. No. 113 (1995), 8-11.
  • Taves, Brian (with Jean-Michel Margot) - “Une société Jules Verne anglaise?” Bulletin de la Société Jules Verne. No. 119 (1996), 20-31.
  • Taves, Brian - “80 DAYS: Discoveries from a Unique Collection.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin, 55 (October 21, 1996), 388-390.
  • Taves, Brian - “Voluminous Verne.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin, 55 (October 21, 1996), 382-387.
  • Taves, Brian - “The Making of 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA.” Filmfax, No. 58 (October 1996-January 1997), 44-52, 138-139.
  • Taves, Brian - “Review-Essays: Jules Verne’s Paris and the Twentieth Century.” Science-Fiction Studies, 24 (March 1997): 133-138. Reprinted in Children’s Literature Review, Vol. 88 (Gale Publishers, 2003). Placed on the Science-Fiction Studies website at Enlarged version selected for scholarship section of Jules Verne web site at
  • Taves, Brian - “80 DAYS: Discoveries from a Unique Collection.” Journal of Film Preservation, No. 56 (June 1998), 18-22.
  • Taves, Brian - “Les Récentes émissions documentaires sur Jules Verne à la télévision.” Translated into French by Jean-Michel Margot. Bulletin de la Société Jules Verne. No. 125 (1998), 44-52.
  • Taves, Brian - “Reviews of Books: Jules Verne, The Chase of the Golden Meteor.” Extrapolation, 40 (Summer 1999), 181-184. Reprinted in Pulpdom, No. 19, September 1999, 18-19.
  • Taves, Brian - “Reviews of Books: Jules Verne, The Invasion of the Sea.” Extrapolation, 43 (Summer 2002), 229-232.
  • Taves, Brian - “Reviews of Books: Jules Verne, Magellania.” Extrapolation, 43 (Summer 2002), 232-234.
  • Taves, Brian - “Jules Verne et le Humbug Prehistorique.” Revue Jules Verne, No. 15 (June 2003), 23-29. Translated into French by Jean-Marc Billaud.
  • Taves, Brian - “Jules Verne and the Robinsonade.” Blood ‘n’ Thunder, No. 11 (Summer 2005), 25-32. With sidebars “Rediscovered: Journey Through the Impossible” and “The Poe Connection.”
  • Taves, Brian - “Adapting Jules Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth.” North American Jules Verne Society, Inc., Extraordinary Voyages (Newsletter of the NAJVS), Sept. 2005, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1-13.
  • Taves, Brian - “Chimp to Man, and back again - Verne’s evolutionary motif.” North American Jules Verne Society, Inc., Extraordinary Voyages (Newsletter of the NAJVS), Oct. 2005, Special issue, 17-18.
  • Taves, Brian - “Fiction Reviews: The Golden Volcano.” SFRA Review, No. 285 (Summer 2008), 31-32.
  • Taves, Brian - “Reviews: The Gold in Verne’s Meteor Finally Mined.” Extrapolation, 48 (Winter 2007), 623-628. Reprinted in Extraordinary Voyages, 15 (September 2008), 11-13.
  • Taves, Brian - “Opening the Sources of The Kip Brothers: A Generic Interpretation.” Verniana, 1 (2008-2009), 51-63. Expanded from a presentation given at North American Jules Verne Society Annual Meeting, Akron, Ohio, on May 30, 2008.
  • Taves, Brian - “Publishing Jules Verne: Rescues and Perils in the 20th Century and Beyond.” Dime Novel Round-Up, 78 (March 2009), 4-28.
  • Taves, Brian - “Expedition Into a Novel.” Verniana, 1 (2008-2009), 23-29. Reprinted by Jules Verne Genootscshap in De Verniaan, Nr. 47 (2010), 23-26.
  • Taves, Brian - “En pantalla: El maestro relojero en versión libre--Maestro Zacarías.” Translated into Spanish by Sergio O. Manancero. Mundo Verne, Nos. 9/10 (2009), 21-24.
  • Taves, Brian - (Adaptation Française par Philippe Burgaud.) “Les Malheurs de Jules Verne aux Etats-Unis pendant le XIXe siècle.” Revue Jules Verne, 30 (2009), 60-68.
  • Taves, Brian - “Verne’s Forgotten, Youthful Swashbuckler.” Verniana, 3 (2010-2011), 33-50.
  • Taves, Brian - “‘Verne’s Best Friend and his Worst Enemy’: I.O. Evans and the Fitzroy Edition of Jules Verne.” Verniana, 4 (2011-2012), 25-54.
  • Verne, Jules - Mister Chimpanzee. Translated by Frank Morlock. North American Jules Verne Society, Inc., Extraordinary Voyages (Newsletter of the NAJVS), Oct. 2005, Special Issue, 1-10
  • Wolcott, Norman M. - “How Lewis Mercier and Eleanor King brought you Jules Verne.” North American Jules Verne Society, Inc., Extraordinary Voyages (Newsletter of the NAJVS), Dec. 2005, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2-7.
  • - Science Fiction Studies, XXXII:1 #95, March 2005. A Jules Verne Centenary. Articles by NAJVS members Arthur B. Evans, Terry Harpold, William Butcher and Jean-Michel Margot. Also articles by Timothy Unwin and Teri J. Hernndez.


  • Butcher, Charles William - Verne’s Journey to the Centre of the Self. Space and Time in the “Voyages Extraordinaires”. London, MacMillan, 1990, XX + 206 p.
  • Evans, Arthur B. - Jules Verne rediscovered. Didacticism and the Scientific Novel. New York & London, Greenwood Press (coll. “Contributions to the World Literature”, no 27), 1988, XVIII + 204.
  • Luce, Stanford L. Jr. - Jules Verne. Moralist, writer, scientist. PhD Dissertation. Yale University, 1953, VI + 354.
  • Miller, Ron - Extraordinary Voyages. A Reader’s Guide to the Works of Jules Verne. Fredericksburg (Virginia), Black Cat Press, 1994, 178.
  • Taves, Brian - The Romance of Adventure. The Genre of Historical Adventure Movies. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi (coll. “Studies in Popular Culture Series”), 1993, XVI + 268.
  • Taves, Brian & Michaluk, Stephen - The Jules Verne Encyclopedia. Lanham (MD) & London, Scarecrow Press, 1996, XVIII + 258.
  • Taves, Brian - “Afterword.” Jules Verne, The Will of an Eccentric. St. Michaels, MD: Choptank Press, 2009. 409-432.
  • Taves, Brian - “One Destination, Many Journeys: Jules Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth on Screen.” Matthew Wilhelm Kapell and Ace G. Pilkington, editors. The Fantastic Made Visible: Essays on the Adaptation of Science Fiction and Fantasy from Page to Screen. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. 13-27.
  • Taves, Brian - Hollywood Presents Jules Verne: The Father of Science Fiction on Screen. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2015.
  • Verne, Jules - The Adventures of Captain Hatteras. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by William Butcher. New York & Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005, XLVI + 402
  • Verne, Jules - The Begum’s Millions. Translated by Stanford L. Luce. Edited by Arthur B. Evans. Introduction & notes by Peter Schulman. Middletown (CT), Wesleyan University Press, 2005, XL + 262
  • Verne, Jules Journey Through the Impossible. Translated by Edward Baxter. Introduction by Jean-Michel Margot. Original artwork by Roger Leyonmark. Amherst (NY), Prometheus Books, 2003, 182
  • Verne, Jules The Mighty Orinoco. Translated by Stanford L. Luce. Edited by Arthur B. Evans. Introduction & notes by Walter James Miller. Middletown (CT), Wesleyan University Press, 2002, XVIII + 430
  • Verne, Jules The Mysterious Island. Translated by Sidney Kravitz. Edited by Arthur B. Evans. Introduction and critical material by William Butcher. Middletown (CT), Wesleyan University Press, 2001, LII + 676
  • Verne, Jules The Invasion of the Sea. Translated by Edward Baxter. Edited by Arthur B. Evans. Introduction and critical material by Arthur B. Evans. Middletown (CT), Wesleyan University Press, 2001, XX + 260
  • Verne, Jules Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Seas. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by William Butcher. New York & Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998, XLVIII + 448
  • Verne, Jules Around the World in Eighty Days. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by William Butcher. New York & Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1995, XLVI + 248
  • Verne, Jules Adventures of the Rat Family. Translated by Evelyn Copland. Introduction by Iona Opie. Afterword by Brian Taves. New York & Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1993, 72
  • Verne, Jules 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. The Completely Restored and Annotated Edition. Translated by Walter James Miller and Frederick Paul Walter. Annapolis (MD), Naval Institute Press, 1993, XXIV + 400
  • Verne, Jules Journey to the Center of the Earth. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by William Butcher. New York & Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1992, XXXVIII + 234
  • Verne, Jules The Fur Country. Translated by Edward Baxter. Gloucester, Allan Sutton & Toronto, NC Press Limited, 1987, XIV + 350 p.
  • Verne, Jules Family Without a Name. Translated by Edward Baxter. Toronto, NC Press Limited, 1982, 312 p.
  • Verne, Jules - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Annotated edition by Walter James Miller. New York, Crowell, 1976, XXII + 362
  • Verne, Jules - Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. Translated by Walter James Miller. New York, Washington Square Press, 1970, XXIV + 390

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