List of Jules Verne’s “Extraordinary Voyages”

The reviews collected on the pages below were written by members of this society (present and past) and are collected here for ease of reading. Reviews found on for example will appear under different editions of the same title, sometimes making a shopper think that what is really a bad edition is a great edition, merely because of the review associated with it (and vice versa).
YearEnglish TitleOriginal French Title 
1857Backwards to BritainVoyages a Reculons en Angleterre et en Ecossepublished in English in 1992
1863Five Weeks in a BalloonCinq Semaines en Ballon
1863Paris in the Twentieth CenturyParis au XXe sièclenot published in any language until 1994 — English in 1996
1864Journey to the Center of the EarthVoyage au Centre de la Terre
1865From the Earth to the MoonDe la Terre à la Lune
1866The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras Voyages et Aventures du Capitaine Hatteras[ 2 volumes ]
1868The Children of Captain GrantLes Enfants du Capitaine Grant[ 3 volumes ]
1870Around the MoonAutour de la Lune
187020,000 Leagues Under the SeaVingt Mille Lieues sous les Mers[ 2 volumes ]
1871A Floating CityUne Ville Flottante
1872The Adventures of Three Englishmen and
Three Russians in Southern Africa
Aventures de Trois Russes et Trois Anglais dans l’Afrique Australe
1873Around the World in Eighty DaysLe Tour du Monde en Quatre-Vingts Jours
1873The Fur CountryLe Pays des Fourrures[ 2 volumes ]
1874Doctor Ox (and other Stories)
*Doctor OxLe Docteur Ox
*Master Zacharius or the Clockmaker Who Lost His SoulMaître Zacharius ou l’Horloger qui a Perdu Son âme
*A Drama in the AirUn Voyage en Ballon (a.k.a., Un Drame dans les Airs)
*A Winter Amid the IceUn Hivernage dans les Glaces
*The 40th Ascension of Mount BlancQuarantième Ascension Française du Mont-Blanc* by Jules’ brother Paul
1874The Mysterious IslandL’Île Mystérieuse[ 3 volumes ]
1875The ChancellorLe Chancellor
1876Michael StrogoffMichel Strogoff[ 2 volumes ]
1877Black Indies (a.k.a., The Underground City)Les Indes Noires
1877Hector Servadac[ 2 volumes ]
1878A Captain at FifteenUn Capitaine de Quinze Ans
1879The Tribulations of a Chinaman in ChinaLes Tribulations d’un Chinois en Chine
1879The Begum’s Millions
(a.k.a., The Begum’s Fortune)
Les Cinq Cents Millions de la Bégum
1880The Steam HouseLe Maison à Vapeur[ 2 volumes ]
1881The JangadaLa Jangada
1881The School of RobinsonsL’Ecole des Robinsons
1882The Green RayLe Rayon Vert
1883Kéraban the InflexibleKéraban le Têtu[ 2 volumes ]
1884The Archipelago on FireL’Archipel en Feu
1884The Star of the SouthL’Etoile du Sud
1885Mathias Sandorf[ 3 volumes ]
1885Salvage from the Cynthia
(a.k.a., The Wreck of the Cynthia)
L’Epave du Cynthiaco-written with André Laurie (pseudonym of Paschal Grousset)
1886Robur the ConquerorRobur le Conquérant
1886The Lottery TicketUn Billet de Loterie
1887North Against SouthNord contre Sud[ 2 volumes ]
1887The Road to FranceLe Chemin de France
1888Two Years HolidayDeux ans de Vacances[ 2 volumes ]
1889Family Without a NameFamille-sans-Nom[ 2 volumes ]
(a.k.a., The Purchase of the North Pole)
Sans Dessus Dessous
1890César Cascabel[ 2 volumes ]
1891Mrs. BranicanMistress Branican[ 2 volumes ]
1892The Carpathian CastleLe Château des Carpathes
1892Claudius Bombarnac
1893Foundling Mick (a.k.a., Little Fellow)P’tit-Bonhomme[ 2 volumes ]
1894The Wonderful Adventures of Captain AntiferMirifiques Aventures de Maître Antifer[ 2 volumes ]
1895The Self-Propelled IslandL’Ile à Helice[ 2 volumes ]
1896For the FlagFace au Drapeau
1896Clovis Dardentor[ 2 volumes ]
1897The Sphinx of the Ice RealmLe Sphinx des Glaces[ 2 volumes ]
1898The Mighty OrinocoLe Superbe Orénoque[ 2 volumes ]
1899The Will of an EccentricLe Testament d’un excentrique[ 2 volumes ]
1900Second FatherlandSeconde Patrie[ 2 volumes ]
1901The Aerial VillageLe Village aérien
1901The Stories of Jean-Marie Cabidoulin
(a.k.a., The Sea Serpent)
Les Histoires de Jean-Marie Cabidoulin
1902The Brothers KipLes Frères Kip[ 2 volumes ]
1903Travel ScholarshipsBourses de Voyage[ 2 volumes ]
1904Master of the WorldMaître du Monde
1904A Drama in LivoniaUn Drame en Livonie
1905Invasion of the SeaL’Invasion de la Mer
Works credited to Verne, but mostly rewritten by his son Michel.
1905Lighthouse at the End of the WorldLe Phare du Bout du Monde
1906The Golden VolcanoLe Volcan d’or[ 2 volumes ]
1907The Thompson Travel AgencyL’Agence Thompson and Co.[ 2 volumes ]
1908The Meteor HuntLa Chasse au Météore
1908The Danube PilotLe Beau Danube jaune (a.k.a., Le Pilote du Danube)
1909The Survivors of the JonathanLes Naufragés du Jonathan[ 2 volumes ]
1910The Secret of Wilhelm StoritzLe Secret de Wilhelm Storitz
1910Yesterday and Tomorrow (short story collection)Hier et Demain
*Adventures of the Rat FamilyLa Famille Raton
*Mr. Ray Sharp and Miss Me FlatM. Ré-dièze et Mlle Mi-bémol
*The Fate of Jean MorenasLa destinée de Jean Morénas
*The HumbugLe Humbug
*In the Twenty-Ninth Century: The Day of an American Journalist in 2889Au XXIXme Siecle: La Journée d’un Journaliste Américain en 2889
*The Eternal AdamL’Eternel Adam
1919The Barsac MissionL’Etonnante Aventure de la Mission Barsac[ 2 volumes ]
Several of Verne’s original manuscripts for the works modified by his son have been published.
1986The Meteor HuntLa Chasse au Météore (Le Bolide)
1987MagellaniaEn Magellanie (Au Bout du monde) 
1989The Golden VolcanoLe Volcan d’or (Le Klondyke)[ 2 volumes ]
1993Fact-Finding MissionVoyage d’ÉtudePalik Series – Vol 5
1999Lighthouse at the End of the WorldLe Phare du Bout du Monde
Selected Plays
1851The Castles of CaliforniaLes Châteaux en Californie ou Pierre qui Roule n’Amasse pas MoussePalik Series – Vol 10
1851An Excursion at SeaUne Promenade en MerPalik Series – Vol 11
1853The Adoptive SonUn Fils AdoptifPalik Series – Vol 3
1853The Knights of the DaffodilLes Compagnons de la MarjolainePalik Series – Vol 3
1857Mr ChimpMonsieur de ChimpanzéPalik Series – Vol 3
1860Eleven Days of SiegeOnze Jours de siègePalik Series – Vol 3
1861A Nephew from AmericaUn Neveu d’Amérique ou Les Deux FrontignacPalik Series – Vol 10
1874Around the World in 80 Days — The 1874 PlayLe Tour du monde en quatre-vingts joursPalik Series – Vol 6
1875The Children of Captain GrantLes Enfants du Capitaine Grant
1880Michael StrogoffMichel Strogoff
1882Journey through the ImpossibleVoyage à Travers l’Impossible
1882Keraban the InflexibleKéraban-le-Têtu
1991Nantes Manuscripts (Vol 1)Manuscrits Nantais (Vol 1)
*Don Galaor
*Le Coq de bruyère
*On a Souvent Besoin d’un Plus Petit que Soi
*Le Pôle Nord
*(no title)
*Une Promenade en Mer
*Le Quart d’heure de Rabelais
*The Thousand and Second NightLa Mille et Deuxième NuitPalik Series – Vol 11
*La GuimardPalik Series – Vol 11
*La Tour de Monthléry
*Les Sabines
1991Nantes Manuscripts (Vol 2)Manuscrits Nantais (Vol 2)
*Alexandre VI
*La Conspiration des Poudres
*Un Drame sous Louis XV
*Quiridine et Quiridinerit
*De Charybde en Scylla
*Les Heureux du Jour
*Guerre aux Tyrans
*Au Bord de l’Adour
Selected Short Stories
1851A Drama in MexicoUn Drame au Mexique
1851A Drama in the AirUn Drame Dans les AirsPalik Series – Vol 12
1852Martin PazPalik Series – Vol 7
1854Master ZachariusMaître Zacharius
1855Winter in the IceUn Hivernage dans les Glaces
1864The Count of Chanteleine: A Tale of the French RevolutionLe Comte de ChanteleinePalik Series – Vol 4
1865The Blockade RunnersLes Forceurs de Blocus
1872The Fantasy of Dr OxUne Fantaisie du Docteur Ox
1875An Ideal CityUne ville Idéale
1879The Mutineers of the BountyLes Révoltés de la Bounty
1881Ten Hours HuntingDix Heures en Chasse
1884Frritt-FlaccPalik Series – Vol 12
1887Gil BraltarPalik Series – Vol 12
1891The Day of an American Journalist in 2889La Journée d’un Journaliste Américain en 2890
1891Mr. Rat and His FamilyAventures de la Famille Raton
1893Mr. Ray Sharp and Miss Me FlatMonsieur Ré-Dièze et Mademoiselle Mi-Bémol
1991Nantes Manuscripts (Vol 3)Manuscrits Nantais (Vol 3)
*A Priest in 1835Un Prêtre en 1835Palik Series – Vol 9
*Jédédias Jamet, or The Tale of an InheritanceJédédias Jamet ou L’Histoire d’une SuccessionPalik Series – Vol 1
*The Siege of RomeLe Siège de RomePalik Series – Vol 7
*The Marriage of Mr. Anselme des TilleulsLe Mariage de M. Anselme des TilleulsPalik Series – Vol 1
*San CarlosPalik Series – Vol 7
*Pierre-JeanPalik Series – Vol 5
*Uncle RobinsonL’Oncle RobinsonPalik Series – Vol 2
1993San Carlos and Other Untold StoriesSan Carlos et Autres Récits Inédits
*Pierre-JeanPalik Series – Vol 5
*The Marriage of Mr. Anselme des TilleulsLe Mariage de M. Anselme des TilleulsPalik Series – Vol 1
*The Siege of RomeLe Siège de RomePalik Series – Vol 7
*San CarlosPalik Series – Vol 7
*Jédédias Jamet, or The Tale of an InheritanceJédédias Jamet ou L’Histoire d’une SuccessionPalik Series – Vol 1
*Fact-Finding MissionVoyage d’ÉtudePalik Series – Vol 5
variousJules Verne Anthologies